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Brigadeiro and Beijinho are traditional dessert bites that every Brazilian likes. They always make people smile because they taste so good. They are easily found anywhere: from birthday parties, to grandma’s house, even at restaurants. Also, they were very present in my childhood memories from growing up in Brazil.

Later, I moved to Washington D.C., and I started making them as a way to keep my memories alive. Most of my American friends did not know what those sweets were, but they loved whenever I made them. Eventually, my life became a crazy, hectic routine of work and school, which drove me to pursue a healthy lifestyle. Missing something that I really love made me think about a new solution to satisfy my sweet tooth on-the-go.

That’s when I thought about combining my Brazilian heritage and passion for food and nutrition, to create a better version of brigadeiros. Full of nutrition and energy without the sugar crash.

 Beijosnacks brings the sweetest thing about Brazil in a better way: low calorie, low sugar, low carb and the finest ingredients. They’re also gluten-free, keto and diabetic friendly.

 Wanna try something good? Go ahead and enjoy our Brazilian flared confections!